Industry News

Global eye care charity Orbis and Heidelberg Engineering team up to deliver free e-learning opportunities

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Sight-saving charity Orbis and high-tech imaging and data solutions company Heidelberg Engineering are leveraging technology to provide free clinical education for eye care professionals around the world.

In 2024, Heidelberg Engineering is sponsoring 3 instructional virtual sessions, taking place via Cybersight, the award-winning telemedicine and e-learning platform founded by Orbis.

  • April 12, 2024, 1:00PM UTC – Improved Perioperative Management of Cataract Surgery Using OCT Technology
  • July 19, 2024, 1:00PM UTC – Using OCT as an Approach to Diagnose Glaucomatous and Other Optic Neuropathies
  • November 15, 2024, 2:00PM UTC – Clinical Technology & Surgical Techniques in the Evolving Management of Corneal Diseases

 The first live co-sponsored virtual session took place in February. It focused on diagnosing, monitoring, and managing diabetic retinopathy. Over 600 eye health professionals in over 100 countries joined live, from locations such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal, where eye care services can be difficult to access.

Read the full press release here.
